From the beginnings of Münker Metallprofile GmbH to the present day.
Company founded as Frank-Udo Münker Stahl-, Dach- und Wandelemente in Kreuztal-Littfeld, Germany.
The selling of steel trapezoidal profiles and accessories.
Relocation to Kreuztal-Mitte. Production of company’s own SI 18 profile at the new production site in Heugraben.
Changing of the legal status from Frank-Udo Münker Stahl-, Dach- und Wandelementen to Münker Metallprofile GmbH.
Production expansions by acquiring numerous moulding facilities. Initially, production of the profiles
M 30/220,
M 35/207 and M 40/183.
Expansion by building a new production facility measuring 3,800 m².
Construction and occupation of a new production facility in Kreuztal-Krombach with 3,800 m² of production
space. Moving into the new premises. Relocation of the facilities and all 19 members of staff.
Expansion of the product range with the profile M 135.1/310.
Expansion by building a new production facility measuring 4,600 m². Additionally, inclusion of new profiles
M 40/333 and M 40KD/333 in the product range.
Acquisition of a high-performance moulding facility for the profiles M 85/280, M 100/275, M 150/280 and
M 160/250: now Münker offers all the standard trapezoidal profiles currently available!
Acquisition of 8.5 ha of commercial space in Reichshof-Wehnrath. Construction of a production facility
measuring 24,000 m² plus 1,200 m² of office and social space. Complete abandonment of the “old” site
in Kreuztal-Krombach.
Relocation of the whole company and all facilities to Reichshof-Wehnrath. Occupation of a three-storey
office building with 1,000 m² of space.
Purchase of adjacent land and new construction of a hall of approx. 8.000 m² (production and storage
of steel box profiles).
The Münker Metallprofile GmbH product range now extends from the trapezoidal profiles M 20/220 to
M 206/375 and from M 100/600 to M 240/600 for cassettes. Also, sale of transparent panels and manufacture
of flashings.
End of production of profile M 20/220. Replacement purchase of profile M 20/210 and expansion of
production of sinus profile
(corrugated profile) M 18/76. The profile is made in steel
and aluminium.
Investment in a water jet cutting machine and two state-of-the-art bending systems. Purchase of
three special trailers in order to be able to react even more flexibly to individual customer requirements for deliveries.
Purchase of a complete solution for sheet metal processing with automated coil feeding.
Expansion of the product range with a statically optimized profile M 206.1/375. This means that
3 profiles with web heights of 200 mm or larger can now be produced.
Launch of the online shop “Münker Direkt” for B2B and B2C customers.
After 40 successful years on the market, Münker Metallprofile transfers the company to
ArcelorMittal Construction GmbH. The location and the “Münker Metallprofile” brand will remain the same.
Expansion of production to include the trapezoidal profile M 20/154.
Managing director Frank-Udo Münker hands over his main management of the company.
Alongside Heiko Mahle, Dr Lars Pfeiffer takes over the management of the company.